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Final Fantasy VI Randomizer

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Items Flags

Starting Gold/Items

Start Gold (-gp)
Amount of GP between 0 and 999999 to start the game with.

Start Moogle Charms (-smc)
Number of Moogle Charms between 0 and 3 to start the game with. The No Moogle Charms option does not apply to this setting.

Start Warp Stones (-sws)
Number of Warp Stones between 0 and 10 to start the game with.

Start Fenix Downs (-sfd)
Number of Fenix Downs between 0 and 10 to start the game with. The Permadeath option does not apply to this setting.

Start Tools (-sto)
Number of different random Tools between 0 and 8 to start the game with.


Equipable, Equipable Relics

Equipment/relics characters can wear are unmodified.

All (-iea, -iera)
Characters can wear all equipment/relics.

Random (-ier, -ierr)
Equipment/relics are equipable by a random number of characters between 1 and 14 selected using a uniform distribution.

Random Unique (-ieru, -ierru)
Equipment/relics are equipable by a single random character selected using a uniform distribution. Though unlikely, this option can result in some characters unable to equip anything or a single character able to equip everything.

Original + Random (-ieor, -ieror)
Characters can wear their original equipment/relics. Additionally, a random number of characters between 1 and 14 is selected using a uniform distribution for each equipment/relic.

Cursed Shield Battles (-csb)
Number of battles required to uncurse the Cursed Shield randomly selected within given range using a uniform distribution.

Note: Gogo/Umaro cannot remove the curse.

Moogle Charm All (-mca)
If enabled, moogle charms may be equipped by all characters regardless of the chosen Equipable Relics setting. Otherwise, which characters can equip the Moogle Charm is decided by the Equipable Relics option.

SwdTech Runic All (-stra)
If enabled, all weapons enable the use of SwdTech and Runic. Otherwise, which weapons enable SwdTech/Runic is unmodified.



Shop inventories are unmodified.

Shuffle + Random (-sisr)
The items and equipment originally offered in shops are shuffled between shops. Shop inventory sizes are also shuffled. Shops are shuffled by type (i.e. weapon shops are shuffled, armor shops are shuffled, etc…).

After shuffling, given percent of randomly selected items and equipment are replaced using a uniform distribution. Random replacements may include items and equipment not originally found in shops. Item and equipment types are preserved (i.e. weapons replaced by weapons, armor by armor, etc…).

Random Tiered (-sirt)
Items and equipment in shops are categorized by tier and chosen at random. Higher tier items and equipment are less likely to be chosen. Items and equipment not originally found in shops may be selected. Shop inventory sizes are shuffled. Item and equipment types are preserved (i.e. weapons replaced by weapons, armor by armor, etc…).
For more details: Shop Item Tiers

Empty (-sie)
Shops do not sell any items or equipment.


Item and equipment prices are unmodified.

Random Value (-sprv)
Item and equipment prices set to random value within given range using a uniform distribution.

Random Percent (-sprp)
Item and equipment prices set to random percent of original value within given range using a uniform distribution.

Sell Fraction (-ssf4, -ssf8, -ssf0)
Fraction of price items and equipment sell for. Zero results in everything selling for zero GP.

Dried Meat (-sdm)
Number of shops which sell Dried Meat. Item and vendor shops are selected at random using a uniform distribution.

Note: selecting zero will require players to find a Dried Meat through other means for the Veldt check which may potentially be difficult or impossible in some seeds.

No Priceless Items (-npi)
If enabled, items and equipment which originally sell for 1 GP will instead be given a custom value. Otherwise, items and equipment not originally available in shops will be sold and bought for 1 GP. This option is recommended when random items may appear in shops.
For more details: No Priceless Items

No Breakable Rods (-snbr)
If enabled, Poison, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Gravity, and Pearl Rods will not be sold in any shops. Otherwise, their appearance will be decided by the Inventory option.

No Elemental Shields (-snes)
If enabled, Flame, Ice, and Thunder shields will not be sold in any shops. Otherwise, their appearance will be decided by the Inventory option.

No Super Balls (-snsb)
If enabled, Super Balls will not be sold in any shops. Otherwise, their appearance will be decided by the Inventory option.



Chest contents are unmodified.

Shuffle + Random (-ccsr)
Original chest contents are randomly assigned to chests using a uniform distribution.

After shuffling, given percent of randomly selected chest contents are replaced using a uniform distribution. Random replacements may include items and GP values not originally found in chests.

Random Tiered (-ccrt)
Chest contents are categorized by tier and chosen at random. Higher tier contents are less likely to be chosen. Items and GP values not originally found in chests may be selected. Chest types are shuffled.
For more details: Chest Item Tiers

Empty (-cce)
All chests are empty.

Monsters-In-A-Box Shuffled (-cms)
Original monsters found in chests are randomly assigned to monster-in-a-box locations using a uniform distribution.